So have you ever found yourself thinking, man, I wish I could help out a bunch of independent filmmakers without doing anything other than drinking and dancing with my friends?

OH MY GOD, now you can!

Yeah, tomorrow night, in fact. You just get yourself to the Production Lounge on Franklin Avenue in Greepoint. There will be short films shown by the amazingly talented Meercat Media Arts Collective (whose film, Stages, won the Best Documentary and Audience Choice awards at the 2009 HBO International Latino Film Festival). And a special videocast of NEVER BEFORE SEEEN FOOTAGE from us, the Goddamn Cobras.

And there will be DJs. But not just any DJs. No, sirree. These DJs will be dressed as train conductors. Why? Oh, right. Because this whole thing is a fundraiser for this awesome train movie Gina Telaroli is directing (and in which the aforementioned DJs, Meerkats, and Goddamn Cobras, Annie of Greenpoint Rooftop Farms, the creator of The Auteurs, and others will be appearing).

The whole film will be shot next weekend on an Amtrak train from New York City to Cleveland, Ohio, and back. And you can help us out just by coming to the Production Lounge tomorrow night and ordering some drinks (there’s no cover; we get a portion of the bar sales). Cool, huh? Yeah. Be there.

POSTED BY Elizabeth


Where the overripe cooking show is plucked from its predictable ends and thrown into a mystery…

We Cobras are currently in development for a new web series.

When winter came this year, the Jackal missed Mama Jackal’s home cooking. Megar revisited an unhealthy fascination for Twin Peaks and Chef Jables tried to lift spirits by feeding everyone’s beards and growing happy bellies.

Despite the comforts of the den, the Cobras were eager to meet some new friends who shared their interests in locally grown foods. They met beekeepers, bootleg lobster rolls, rooftop farmers, and chickens, oh my!

The Cobras found one special friend in particular that is a driving force and staunch supporter of the local food movement in Greenpoint, Brooklyn: Joann Kim. Together, they resolved to highlight the efforts and homemade feasts of their neighbors in a very unusual way.

A mystery show was born.  Updates to come!

POSTED BY seabeast


Professor Parker and Professor Phillips-Horst guide Biz, Megar Goyle, Jetpack, Seabeast, Rollfizzlebeef and Jables through a Final Cut Pro lesson on a sunny Saturday.

POSTED BY seabeast


Liz put her Cobra Editing School lessons to good use to make this awesome behind the scenes video!  All footage shot, edited and produced by Little Lizzie.

POSTED BY seabeast