Our friends at BabySkinGlove are having a weekend-long Colonial-themed performance in association with Bushwick Open Studios.  Some of the roles of the BSG crew include (but are not limited to):  Village Idiot, Pagan, Wigmaker, Jug Band, Sick Person, Enthusiastic Tourist and Barnyard Animal.  Will there be sexy pillory action??  Come and see for yourself.

POSTED BY seabeast


Boomslang, GDC’s theater/literary wing, will be holding a developmental, workshop-style reading of two new, 1-act plays, Word Play/Paper Play by Amy Rose Marsh and Speaking in Stomachs by Katharine Henner as part of Arts in Bushwick’s SITEfest 2010.

When: Saturday, March 6th, 1-2:30 p.m.

Where: Third Ward, 195 Morgan Avenue, Bushwick,  Studio A

Suggested donation: $5

Paper Play/Word Play imagines a love affair between two recluses who spend their lives obsessing over the written word.  In Speaking in Stomachs, Katharine Henner imagines a support group for information addicts.

This reading, which will be followed by a short talk-back with the authors, is designed to hone and tone the presented scripts, which are in gestation. This is the first time getting either of these plays on their feet, and the authors would like to invite you, as audience members, to take notes, talk back and be a part of the process. We are workshopping these plays in anticipation of full-production in the Capitol Fringe Fest in Washington, D.C., and possibly elsewhere, this summer.

POSTED BY Elizabeth


Greenpoint Food Market February: A Food Affair
Saturday, 12-5 p.m., Greenpoint Church of the Messiah

Says organizer Joann Kim, “Expect enough hearts to nauseate your love radar, wear your brightest lipstick and bring along someone to kiss in front of our photo booth.” Vendors/foods will include iheartkeenwah quinoa mix, Sandwich Friend sandwiches, Sourpuss Pickles pickles, Morta di Fame Sicilian street food, Kombucha Brooklyn kombucha, Arirang Kimchi kimchi, Hale Seitan seitan and pate and Bean & Apple sweet sauces and baked goods (lots of newcomers, it seems!). And, of course, Cobra Pate, raw vegan nut-pates, in 3 new, Valentine’s-Day-friendly flavors:

  • Hearts Afire (Macadamia nut, red pepper, red chiles, Hawaiian sea salt)
  • Let Love Grow (cashews, nutmeg, fennel and mustard seed)
  • Spread It On Your Spouse (actual name pending; almonds, basil, star anise & honey)

Warning: pates may be prone to cause that lovin’ feeling – almonds, basil, fennel, honey, mustard and nutmeg are thought to be aprodisiacs stimulating female passion, fertility, desire, male arousal and the sexual glands. Ahem.

POSTED BY Elizabeth


Featuring The Phantom Power of Florence, Knight & Gale and the debut screening of BabySkinGlove‘s BSG:DIY video, shot by EPH & Dixie.

POSTED BY seabeast


The Cobras want to give a humungous, never-ending CONGRATULATIONS to Megar, whose play was selected as one of eight 10-minute shorts to be presented in association with Left Hip Productions at the Shell Theatre next week. Stop by and give Katie eight 10-minute high fives!!!!

See below for more details.

Read more »

POSTED BY seabeast


So have you ever found yourself thinking, man, I wish I could help out a bunch of independent filmmakers without doing anything other than drinking and dancing with my friends?

OH MY GOD, now you can!

Yeah, tomorrow night, in fact. You just get yourself to the Production Lounge on Franklin Avenue in Greepoint. There will be short films shown by the amazingly talented Meercat Media Arts Collective (whose film, Stages, won the Best Documentary and Audience Choice awards at the 2009 HBO International Latino Film Festival). And a special videocast of NEVER BEFORE SEEEN FOOTAGE from us, the Goddamn Cobras.

And there will be DJs. But not just any DJs. No, sirree. These DJs will be dressed as train conductors. Why? Oh, right. Because this whole thing is a fundraiser for this awesome train movie Gina Telaroli is directing (and in which the aforementioned DJs, Meerkats, and Goddamn Cobras, Annie of Greenpoint Rooftop Farms, the creator of The Auteurs, and others will be appearing).

The whole film will be shot next weekend on an Amtrak train from New York City to Cleveland, Ohio, and back. And you can help us out just by coming to the Production Lounge tomorrow night and ordering some drinks (there’s no cover; we get a portion of the bar sales). Cool, huh? Yeah. Be there.

POSTED BY Elizabeth