Tonight at Brooklyn’s The Knitting Factory: A celebration of the Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective, featuring short screenings from all 25 members (including GDC’s Eric Phillips-Horst & our filmmaking friend Gina Telaroli), plus a dance party curated by DJ Phantom Power & DJ Knight of the Goddamn Cobras and live music from Dynasty Electric.

Knitting Factory
361 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York
Cover: $10
Doors: 7:30

POSTED BY Elizabeth


Our friends at BabySkinGlove are having a weekend-long Colonial-themed performance in association with Bushwick Open Studios.  Some of the roles of the BSG crew include (but are not limited to):  Village Idiot, Pagan, Wigmaker, Jug Band, Sick Person, Enthusiastic Tourist and Barnyard Animal.  Will there be sexy pillory action??  Come and see for yourself.

POSTED BY seabeast


Boomslang, GDC’s theater/literary wing, will be holding a developmental, workshop-style reading of two new, 1-act plays, Word Play/Paper Play by Amy Rose Marsh and Speaking in Stomachs by Katharine Henner as part of Arts in Bushwick’s SITEfest 2010.

When: Saturday, March 6th, 1-2:30 p.m.

Where: Third Ward, 195 Morgan Avenue, Bushwick,  Studio A

Suggested donation: $5

Paper Play/Word Play imagines a love affair between two recluses who spend their lives obsessing over the written word.  In Speaking in Stomachs, Katharine Henner imagines a support group for information addicts.

This reading, which will be followed by a short talk-back with the authors, is designed to hone and tone the presented scripts, which are in gestation. This is the first time getting either of these plays on their feet, and the authors would like to invite you, as audience members, to take notes, talk back and be a part of the process. We are workshopping these plays in anticipation of full-production in the Capitol Fringe Fest in Washington, D.C., and possibly elsewhere, this summer.

POSTED BY Elizabeth